XpressCover is a customised solution for carriers that offers to protect one's consignment from any probable downside risks. The Cover provides extensive protection against All Risks from the time of collection/ receipt by Carrier until delivery to the consignees. The Cover is deemed expired upon successful delivery of consigned goods to the destination as evidenced by the signature of the recipient on the consignment note.
It covers up to a maximum of 14 days, commencing from the point of collection to the date of delivering the consignment by Carrier.
Any Loss or Damage against XpressCover Coverage Terms & Conditions.
XpressCover will override Courier company existing liability of MYR 200 and increase the amount of liability to the full value of a consignment but with the maximum liability of MYR 50,000 per consignment note.
XpressCover Coverage = Value of Consignment x Rate Surcharge
Sender, ABC Company, wishes to send a Nokia mobile phone from HK to MY. Sender informs us that the Nokia mobile phone is worth MYR 1,000. According to the XpressCover Pricing table, the mobile phone rate is 1.5%.

XpressCover covers for all commodities except the exclusion items as listed here
The insurer is willing to expand the commodity cover list. Kindly contact us for further discussion.
The insurer is willing to expand the commodity cover list. Kindly contact us for further discussion.
In order to expedite the covering process, XpressCover adopts a claim formula from Average Clause, which means that XpressCover's clients can declare their consignments in any value they wish. It can be their consignment invoice value, Cost value, 20% of Cost price, 10% Invoice value, or even any value but not more than the market value of the consignment note. However, clients are recommended to declare their consignments at the market value.
Whenever there is a claim, XpressCover will request an Invoice, Quotation, Cash Bill or any pricing document of that consignment, verify against the average market price, and apply the average clause claim formula as follows:
Whenever there is a claim, XpressCover will request an Invoice, Quotation, Cash Bill or any pricing document of that consignment, verify against the average market price, and apply the average clause claim formula as follows:

Sender, ABC Company, wishes to send a mobile phone from HK to MY. Sender informs us that the Nokia mobile phone is worth MYR 1,299 in the market. Being the distributor of Nokia, the cost of the said mobile phone for ABC is only amounting to MYR 1,000. In order to save on XpressCover surcharge, ABC decides to declare only the cost. In the event that accident happens and that the mobile phone is lost, the amount that XpressCover will pay is as follows:

Senders shall ensure appropriate packing of consignments to make sure that the contents are sufficiently protected during normal pallet and parcel processing and mechanical sorting as well as to prevent the consignments from causing damage or injury to other shipments. Every consignment must be packed and closed in a manner benefiting the weight, the size and the nature of the contents as well as the mode and duration of conveyance. The packing and closing must protect the contents against crushing or damage by repeated handling and must also be such that it is impossible to tamper with the contents without leaving clear traces thereof. On the packing or the wrapping, the consignment must have sufficient space for service instructions and for affixing labels.
If, in connection with the posting of a consignment, Carrier finds out that the consignment is not packaged or wrapped in an appropriate manner, the company is ?at its own option ?entitled to either reject the consignment or the consignment is sent at the sender's risk. For fragile articles and liquid substances senders are required only to use packing, which has been approved by XpressCover. Fragile articles include technical equipment, such as computer, data processing and laser equipment, etc., chinaware, articles of glass and similar fragile objects as well as furniture, prams, etc. which by reason of their shape or structure do not readily lend themselves to loading with other parcels.
If, in connection with the posting of a consignment, Carrier finds out that the consignment is not packaged or wrapped in an appropriate manner, the company is ?at its own option ?entitled to either reject the consignment or the consignment is sent at the sender's risk. For fragile articles and liquid substances senders are required only to use packing, which has been approved by XpressCover. Fragile articles include technical equipment, such as computer, data processing and laser equipment, etc., chinaware, articles of glass and similar fragile objects as well as furniture, prams, etc. which by reason of their shape or structure do not readily lend themselves to loading with other parcels.
Staff are recommended to inspect the consignment to ensure the accuracy of physical versus documentation. Considering the nature of Courier company staff workload, staff may not have sufficient time to do so. As such, a XpressCover Online Declaration Form, that is filled up with detailed product descriptions will be deemed sufficient.
Please note that XpressCover is authorized to request reports from any staff handling the consignment whenever a claim occurs.
Please note that XpressCover is authorized to request reports from any staff handling the consignment whenever a claim occurs.
Claim will be processed within 14 business days from the date of submission of the relevant documents from sender to XpressCover.
Yes there are. Refer to the list of excluded items here.
You may request to cancel the coverage after it is approved, if the shipment has not been picked up (or received) by the courier company. To request a cancellation, kindly email to support@xpresscover.com